Presenting: our 2011 family Christmas card! Here is the art from the card I designed. It was made with prismacolor markers, micron pens and some great watercolor pencils that I've enjoyed lately.
It was a good year for art. It feels like I did more this year. Perhaps it only seems like that, since it's harder to juggle any "semblance" of a "career" with three precious chewboos buzzing about.
Fortunately, my only goals for the year were to add beauty to the world. Or, if you have a dark sense of humor, some quirkiness... since illustrations heavily influenced by late 70s Sears studio portraits don't exactly count for "beauty."
Whatever the case, I had fun in 2011, and I was able to share my art with my children, my family, my friends, etc. I even worked on several commissions, which was a lot of fun and a big blessing.
The Etsy store had some happy buzzing during the Paschal season! Thank you to everyone who bought Pascha cards! I look forward to adding more this Spring, for the Lenten/ Paschal season!
I was even able to buy a new camera, and with it I plan to take more pictures of my larger work. Two of my watercolor commissions went off undocumented... so sad. I would have loved to share them here. Now that I have a camera, though, I will be able to keep track of my art.
Goals for 2012? Work on cards and try to get them printed and packaged in the most efficient way possible. Work on cards for the parish book store, and other local stationery retailers. Perhaps work on some commission work, if I come across any. Create an acrylic painting to donate for our yearly school auction. Of course, continue the family Christmas card, later this year.
Slowly but surely, I plan to whittle away at improving this blog. I know it's not much at all to look at, but I thank you for taking the time to stop in and see what's going on in my world.

Have a Happy and Blessed New Year, from X.K., and the precious and patient people who share her house-wide "studio"!